11th Trust (વિશ્વાસ) Batch
- Class X to XI moving Students.
- Regular 2 years Classroom Coaching.
- Class commences from the 2nd Thursday of April; Dates can be changed/extended due to change in Board Exam Dates or as per the Government guidelines.
- 3 lectures per week 120 minutes lecture including theoretical and conceptual learning after that DPP for 15 min.
- 2 Theory Exam (as per board Parrent for GSEB and CBSE) 90 minutes result will be declared and paper discussion on same day.
- 1 Competitive Test (MCQ exam) at every Sunday result will be declared and paper discussion on same day.
- After Diwali every month one PCB NEET exam.
- Literature (Study Material) will be in English language and for better explanation mixed language (English + Hindi) will be used while teaching.
12th Intent (લક્ષ) Batch
- Class XI to XII moving Students.
- Regular 1 years Classroom Coaching.
- Class commences from the 1 st Thursday of February; Dates can be changed/extended due to change in Board Exam Dates or as per the Government guidelines.
- 3 lectures per week 120 minutes lecture including theoretical and conceptual learning after that DPP for 15 min.
- 2 Theory Exam (as per board Parrent for GSEB and CBSE) 90 minutes result will be declared and paper discussion on same day.
- 1 Competitive Test (MCQ exam) at every Sunday result will be declared and paper discussion on same day.
- After Diwali every Sunday one PCB NEET exam.
- Every week Adrenalin NEET Test Series of Std. 11th helpful in maintaining level of NEET preparation.
- Literature (Study Material) will be in English language and for better explanation mixed language (English + Hindi) will be used while teaching.
Dropper Belief (ઉમ્મીદ) Batch
- XII passed Students
- Class commences after the declaration of NEET result.
- 2 lectures per week (90 minutes lecture including theoretical and conceptual learning after that DPP for 15 min.
- PCB NEET exam at every Sunday.
- Literature (Study Material) will be in English language and for better explanation mixed language (English + Hindi) will be used while teaching.